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Doctor Anya Hart, USMC

Anya Hart

Creating fitness programs that work can be pretty difficult. How do you keep a client coming back? How do you keep your clients happy? What about motivation and self-discipline? You find a professional that’s how. Anya is not only a Doctor but she’s a Veteran too. She weight trains and understands the value of fitness. She’s an amazing resource for Camp Freedom Fitness. We are happy to call her a sister and proud to have her on board. She’s our brain creating healthy habits within our programs. Once we get to know you we find out what type of coach you need us to be in order to best serve you.

Anya Hart, USMC

A lifetime of service. Much like our Bikini model we only hang out with the cold kids. Anya Created “Heroes Call First”.

The Founder and CEO, Anna Brewster, a USMC veteran, former Law Enforcement Officer, and a doctorate candidate in Clinical Psychology, came up with Heroes Call when COVID first hit our Nation. She spent years researching alternative treatment methods for combat PTSD and other psychological and physiological conditions that can debilitate anyone, particularly those who make sacrifices for our great Nation. The majority of Frontline Workers, First Responders, Veterans, and Working Dogs were overworked and exhausted. Their families and supporters were home worried about their safety and well-being.  Anna was determined to do something and her corporate concept was born out of the desire to recognize everyone, not just a specific demographic, that was sacrificing during this time. The need for further recognition of everyone who supports this great Nation has evolved since with a vision that change starts with you. 

Please Visit Her Page and Check Her Out!